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ACCESS CORRECTIONS Access Secure Deposits & Access Secure Mail FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions We have recently updated our website. If you are experiencing issues with our website, please try clearing your cookies and refreshing your browser. For information on how to clear your cookies, please click here. If you are still experiencing issues after clearing cookies, please contact us via our Live Chat. What is the difference between CyberSuite and Access Corrections?
CyberSuite was primarily focused on Deposit Services. With the addition of inmate email services, CyberSuite has changed its name to Access Corrections to incorporate all technology services. Both Access Secure Deposits and Access Secure Mail are services offered by Access Corrections. All personal profile information stays the same as this is the same company, only a new name.
How can I contact Access Corrections?
You can send an email to Customer Service at customerservice@accesscorrections.com or call at 636-888-7004. Is my information secure on the Access Corrections website?
Yes. Access Corrections Inmate Deposit Services website is a secure site. We do not share your personal information with any third parties. For security reasons, your credit or debit card information is not stored. Customers are required to provide payment information each time a transaction is processed. Can I use another person’s credit or debit card on my Access Corrections profile?
Yes, with the card holder’s permission. The card holder must also accept the Access Corrections Terms and Conditions. The inmate will be notified that the deposit came from your Access Corrections account. Will my information be accessible to the inmate?
Some facilities may choose to print a receipt for the inmate showing the name of the depositor only, however most facilities do not share this information with the inmate. In most cases, it will be up to the depositor to tell the inmate they have made a deposit to their account. All other information in your profile, including deposit history is confidential. How do I locate an inmate or facility on the Access Corrections website?
After logging into the system, choose “Add a Recipient”. You may search by facility, resident identification number or resident name and date of birth. Once the inmate has been located, choose “Add Selected Recipient”. How do I update my profile?
Login to your Access Corrections profile and choose “Edit Profile” to change your personal information at anytime. Why do you need my email address?
Your email address serves as your Access Corrections username. We do not share your email address with any third parties. What happens if I forget my password?
Choose “Forgot My Password” on the main page and follow the instructions to retrieve the information. Your username is your email address used to establish your profile. Your password will be sent to this email address. Secure Deposit FAQ’s
How do I use Access Corrections Deposit Services?
Inmate deposits can be added to a resident’s account via internet, telephone or lobby kiosk (if offered) at the facility. To make an inmate deposit via internet, customers must register online and accept the Access Corrections Terms and Conditions. An inmate deposit cannot be completed unless a profile has been established and the Terms and Conditions have been accepted. Why can't I make a deposit to an active inmate?
Sometimes, active inmates are restricted from certain types of services. This could be due to a request from the facility or it could be because they received deposits that were denied by the cardholder. In such a case, the inmate will no longer be able to receive credit card or walk-in deposits at one of our providers such as Cash Pay Today, Ace Cash Express or Western Union. Where available, Money Orders and/or Cash Deposits will still be accepted. The inmate is notified of the denied charges by postcard and should be fully aware of this restricted status. If this is the case, the inmate's full deposit privileges can be reinstated if a depositor repays the full amount of the denied transaction. This can be done by sending a Money Order, along with the inmate's name and inmate number, to: Access Corrections
Account Re-Instatement Department
10880 Linpage Place
St. Louis, MO 63132
Can I place an order for the inmate using money I added to their account? Why can’t I add money online without establishing a profile?
By law, Access Corrections is required to collect certain information from each customer before a transaction can be processed. Please be sure your Access Corrections profile is updated with your most current information. What types of payment does Access Corrections accept?
Acceptable payment methods for inmate deposits are credit and debit cards with Visa or MasterCard logos and a valid security code that are United States Issued. Please note that Access Corrections does not accept Government issued cards (i.e. Child Support Cards, EBT Cards, etc). What is the security code?
The security code is the last three numbers on the back of your credit or debit card, typically located in the white strip where your signature is located. Can I send cash? Cash transactions for inmate deposits are accepted at Access Secure Deposits Lobby Kiosks, where applicable. Additionally, cash can be deposited through our partner walk-in cash providers: Cash Pay Today, Ace Cash Express and Western Union, where applicable. Please visit www.cashpaytoday.com, www.acecashexpress.com or www.westernunion.com to see if this option is available at your facility and to find a location near you! Can I send money to more than one inmate?
Yes. You can add or delete inmates in your profile at anytime. When will my credit card be debited?
Usually within three banking days. This does not delay the inmate's deposit. When will the inmate receive the money?
Once the transaction is complete and you receive your receipt number, the inmate will receive the money in his or her account. Access Corrections is only able to verify that your transaction has been processed and does not have access to the inmate’s account balance. Please contact the facility for more information. Is there a fee to use the Access Secure Deposits service?
Access Corrections charges a service fee, per transaction, based on the amount of money added to a resident’s account. Some facilities impose an additional fee to add money to an inmate’s account. *Deposit fees may vary by facility* Do I need to add the transaction fee to the amount I am sending?
No. You will be charged the payment amount plus the applicable transaction fee. You have the opportunity to view and approve the total amount you will be charged before Access Corrections actually charges your card. How do I know if my transaction went through?
The receipt number indicates that the payment has been processed. The payment will be “pending” on your card account until the funds are deposited to the inmate’s account. The payment will appear as “sent” once the money has been deposited to the inmate’s account. Why do I still have an authorization on my card if my payment failed?
When your transaction was processed, your card was authorized immediately for the amount of your deposit. Funds from unsuccessful payments are credited back to your card within three banking days. Can I see pending or past payments?
Yes, all payments made using the online service will show a detailed transaction history. Can I see a Recipient’s Inmate Trust Account History?
No, we do not have access to the Facilities Inmate trust Account; we can only verify payment you have made to the inmate.
How much money can I deposit into an account?
The standard limit is $300 per day regardless of the deposit method; however some facilities have other limits.
Secure Payments
How do I use Access Corrections Payment Services?
Fee Payment can be made via internet, or telephone. To make a Fee Payment via internet, customers must register online and accept the Access Corrections Terms and Conditions. A Fee Payment cannot be completed unless a profile has been established and the Terms and Conditions have been accepted. Why can’t I Pay A Fee online without establishing a profile?
By law, Access Corrections is required to collect certain information from each customer before a transaction can be processed. Please be sure your Access Corrections profile is updated with your most current information. What types of payment does Access Corrections accept?
Acceptable payment methods for Fee Payments are credit and debit cards with Visa or MasterCard logos and a valid security code that are United States Issued. We also accept US issued Money Orders in some states, please reference the Access Corrections website for where applicable. Please note that Access Corrections does not accept Government issued cards (i.e. Child Support Cards, EBT Cards, etc). When will my credit card be debited?
Usually within three banking days. This does not delay the Fee Payment. Can I send one money order to pay for two or more fees?
No.A separate money order and payment coupon form is required for each fee payment transaction.
Can I pay by mail with cash or a personal check? No. The only acceptable payment method for fees paid by mail is in the form of a money order made out to “Access Secure Deposits” in US funds. Cash and personal checks are not accepted, and will be returned to the sender.
What happens to my money order if I don’t enclose a payment coupon with it? Due to the volume of customers and different states that Access Corrections services, your payment cannot be accurately processed unless the envelope is correctly addressed, and a completed payment coupon is enclosed with each money order. If Access Corrections cannot determine who a payment belongs to, state Escheat laws require that the money be transferred to the state as unclaimed property.
Is there a fee to use the Access Secure Payments service?
Access Corrections charges a service fee, per transaction, based on the Fee Payment type. How do I know if my transaction went through?
The receipt number indicates that the payment has been processed. The payment will be “pending” on your card account until the funds are deposited to the inmate’s account. The payment will appear as “sent” once the money has been transferred to the fee agency.
Secure Mail FAQ’s How do I use Access Secure Mail services?
If you already have an account for our Secure Deposits service, then you can use that same account for Secure Mail. If you do not currently have an account, please register an account on our website. You can then select the Secure Mail program option and add a recipient to your account. If there is two way messaging at the facility, your messages are already available for use by the recipient. If you do not wish to share your credits with your recipients, then de-select sharing. Once you have added a recipient to your account profile, you can view the available credit and message plan options and prices for the particular facility program. *Please note that credits do not need to be purchased for select Secure Mail programs that are free of charge. Please note that just like mail sent through the US Postal Service, the facility reviews all incoming messages for content and has the ability to approve or deny messages. Please be mindful of this when writing your message.
How do I purchase credits and how much do they cost?
Message credits are purchased through the Access Corrections website and cost $0.01 per credit. For example, a facility may have a fee of $0.42 or 42 credits per message. Fees vary by facility.
What is a Message Plan and how do I purchase one?
A Message Plan is a way to purchase a block of messages or photos at a lower per message or photo price. To purchase a Plan you will need to click on “Purchase Plan” in the left hand menu column. Please note that unlike individual message credits each Message Plan is tied to a specific recipient and not all facilities offer Message Plans. Please also note that not all Message Plans include printing. If the facility offers a print option, additional message credits may apply.
Why can't I purchase a Message Plan?
Message Plans are not available for every facility. Please check to make sure your recipient’s facility offers Message Plans.
How many credits can a recipient have on their account at one time?
Message credits are only for family and friends sending messages. The recipient does not have message credits. Recipients can use your credits/Message Plan unless you choose not to share your credits with them.
Is there a limit to how many credits I can purchase for the Access Secure Mail service?
There is no limit to the amount of credits you can have on your account. However, there are maximum amounts you can purchase at one time. These increments will be listed at the time you purchase credits or plans.
Is there a fee to send or receive a message using Access Secure Mail?
There is a small fee associated with sending Access Secure Mail messages. The fee varies by facility and will be displayed when sending an email.
Can I send photos?
Yes, you can send photos. However, not all facilities allow photos. Please check to make sure your recipient’s facility allows photos to be sent.
What is the largest photo file size I can send? The largest photo file you can upload is 32MB. Access Corrections will then downsize the photo to a 1024x768 resolution, while maintaining the aspect ratio (i.e. we don't distort the image by stretching it).
Can my recipient receive my message/photo on their MP3/4 Player? Yes, if a recipient owns a MP3/4 Player, they have the ability to receive your message/photo on the player. However, not all facilities allow for delivery to the player. Please check to make sure your recipient’s facility has our MP3/4 Program and allows delivery to the MP3/4 Player.
Can my recipient reply to my message/photo directly from their MP3/4 Player?
Yes, with the purchase of an external keyboard for their MP3/4 player, the recipient has the ability to reply directly from their player. Please note that not all facilities allow replies and/or have our MP3/4 program. Please check to make sure your recipient’s facility has our MP3/4 Program and allows for two-way messaging with delivery to the MP3/4 player.
How do I know if and when a recipient received a message? Once you send a message though Access Secure Mail, the message is immediately sent to the mailroom located at the recipient's facility. It is up to the facility to review, approve and print messages. Access Corrections is not able to confirm a recipient's receipt of a message. However, most messages are reviewed within 24 hours by facility staff.
Can I type special characters?
Access Secure Mail service does not allow special characters or emoticons to be typed within a message. If you receive an error stating "The message was unable to be sent because it contains invalid characters", simply remove the non-allowed characters and your message will be sent.
What characters are allowed? The allowed characters are: 1234567890=qwertyuiop[]asdfghjkl;'zxcvbnm,./~!@#$%^&*()_+QWERTYUIOP{}|ASDFGHJKL:ZXCVBNM<>?áéíóúüñ¿¡
How Many Characters Does a Secure Message Hold?
A standard Secure Mail Message through our site holds 1,500 characters per page. However, the character limit can vary by facility.
I received an error message that the character limit was exceeded, but I was within the limits?
Please ensure that you are using plain text and please note that copying and pasting anything into the message from an outside source can also affect the character count. Please try typing the message into the message section directly to see if the message is accepted that way. In addition; spaces, punctuation, and special characters also constitute 1 character each in the total character count of the message.
I can send to the recipient but the recipient is unable to respond to my messages?
In order to correspond with a recipient using our Secure Mail Program, you must be sharing your credits with them. In your recipient list, please make sure the sharing credits column is labeled “Yes”. Additionally, some facilities do not allow for outgoing messages from recipient. Please check to make sure your recipient’s facility allows two way messaging.
Why hasn’t the recipient received my messages? It is at the discretion of the facility mailroom if and when any message correspondence is approved for the recipient. Please confirm that you have selected the option for notification of any rejected messages in your Secure Mail account profile. If you have not received notification of the messages being rejected, they may not have been reviewed by the facility as of yet. Facility message review processes vary by facility. Please allow up to five business days for your message to be received.
I have a new email address. Will the credits/messages purchased transfer over to my new email account? We apologize for the inconvenience, but credits/messages purchased from one account do not transfer over to a separate email account.
I already selected a delivery plan for messages when I made a purchase, but want to change to a different delivery option. Can this be done? The delivery option selection cannot be changed once a purchase is completed.
Who do I contact regarding issues with Access Secure Mail services? You can send an email to Customer Service by clicking on the Contact Us link on the homepage or call at 636-888-7004.
Idaho Specific FAQ's How can I contact Access Corrections?
You can send an email to Customer Service at customerservice@accesscorrections.com or call at 636-888-7004. Is my information secure on the Access Corrections website? Yes. Access Corrections Inmate Deposit Services website is a secure site. We do not share your personal information with any third parties. For security reasons, your credit or debit card information is not stored. Customers are required to provide payment information each time a transaction is processed. Can I use another person’s credit or debit card on my Access Corrections profile?
Yes, with the card holder’s permission. The card holder must also accept the Access Corrections Terms and Conditions. Inmates will no longer receive receipts from us or be notified of the depositor. Will my information be accessible to the inmate?
Some facilities may choose to print a receipt for the inmate showing the name of the depositor only, however most facilities do not share this information with the inmate. In most cases, it will be up to the depositor to tell the inmate they have made a deposit to their account. All other information in your profile, including deposit history is confidential. How do I locate an inmate or facility on the Access Corrections website?
After logging into the system, choose “Add a Recipient”. You may search by facility, resident identification number or resident name and date of birth. Once the inmate has been located, choose “Add Selected Recipient”. How do I update my profile?
Login to your Access Corrections profile and choose “Edit Profile” to change your personal information at any time. Why do you need my email address?
Your email address serves as your Access Corrections username. We do not share your email address with any third parties. What happens if I forget my password?
Choose “Forgot My Password” on the main page and follow the instructions to retrieve the information. Your username is your email address used to establish your profile. Your password will be sent to this email address. Secure Deposit FAQ’s
How do I use Access Corrections Deposit Services?
Inmate deposits can be added to a resident’s account via internet, telephone, walk-in (CashPayToday and ACE Cash Express) and mail-in. To make an inmate deposit via internet, customers must register online and accept the Access Corrections Terms and Conditions. An inmate deposit cannot be completed unless a profile has been established and the Terms and Conditions have been accepted. Depositors must also register with walk-in providers; CashPayToday and ACE Cash Express. CashPayToday.com 844-340-2274 AceCashExpress.com 877-223-2274 Can I place an order for the inmate using money I added to their account for SecurePak?
No. Orders placed using funds from an inmate's account must be paid with a facility check and mailed directly from the facility. The use of funds deposited to an inmate’s account is restricted to use specified by the facility. Why can’t I add money online without establishing a profile?
By law, Access Corrections is required to collect certain information from each customer before a transaction can be processed. Please be sure your Access Corrections profile is updated with your most current information. What types of payment does Access Corrections accept? Acceptable payment methods for inmate deposits are credit and debit cards with VISA or MasterCard logos and a valid security code that are United States issued. Personal checks, money orders and cashier's checks can be mailed in to Access Corrections. Cash can be used at both walk-in providers, CashPayToday and Ace Cash Express. Debit cards can also be used at Dollar General within CashPayToday retail partners. (MUST register with CashPayToday first). What is the security code?
The security code is the three numbers on the back of your credit or debit card, typically located in the white strip where your signature is located. Can I send cash? Cash transactions for inmate deposits are only accepted at the two walk-in providers; CashPayToday and ACE Cash Express. CashPayToday.com 844-340-2274 AceCashExpress.com 877-223-2274 Can I send money to more than one inmate?
Yes. You can add or delete inmates in your profile at any time. When will my credit card be debited?
The credit/debit card transaction occurs in real time. When will the inmate receive the money?
Once the transaction is complete and you receive your receipt number, the inmate will receive the money in his or her account. Access Corrections is only able to verify that your transaction has been processed and does not have access to the inmate’s account balance. Please contact the facility for more information. The funds will post the next business day. If there is a possibility of fraud detected, the transaction may take longer. Is there a fee to use the Access Secure Deposits service?
Access Corrections charges a service fee, per transaction, based on the amount of money added to a resident’s account. Fees are provided to depositor before completing each transaction. Do I need to add the transaction fee to the amount I am sending?
No. You will be charged the payment amount plus the applicable transaction fee. You have the opportunity to view and approve the total amount you will be charged before Access Corrections actually charges your card. How do I know if my transaction went through?
The receipt number indicates that the payment has been processed. The payment will be “pending” on your card account until the funds are deposited to the inmate’s account. The payment will appear as “sent” once the money has been deposited to the inmate’s account. For phone and web transactions, an email confirmation will be sent. Why do I still have an authorization on my card if my payment failed?
When your transaction was processed, your card was authorized immediately for the amount of your deposit. Funds from unsuccessful payments are credited back to your card within three banking days. Can I see pending or past payments?
Yes, all payments made using the online service will show a detailed transaction history. Can I see a Recipient’s Inmate Trust Account History?
No, we do not have access to the Facilities Inmate trust Account; we can only verify payment you have made to the inmate.
How much money can I deposit into an account?
The standard limit is $300 per day unless using the mail-in option. There is no limit on the mail-in option but a social security number will be required on all mail-in deposits over $3000.00 or more.
Secure Payments How do I use Access Corrections Payment Services?
Fee Payment can be made via internet, telephone (with credit or debit card) walk-in (at CashPayToday and ACE Cash Express for cash, credit or debit), mail-in (personal check, money order or cashier’s check) or lobby kiosk (credit or debit card). To make a Fee Payment via internet, customers must register online and accept the Access Corrections Terms and Conditions. A Fee Payment cannot be completed unless a profile has been established and the Terms and Conditions via the web have been accepted. Why can’t I Pay A Fee online without establishing a profile?
By law, Access Corrections is required to collect certain information from each customer before a transaction can be processed. Please be sure your Access Corrections profile is updated with your most current information. What types of payment does Access Corrections accept?
Acceptable payment methods for Fee Payments are credit and debit cards with VISA or MasterCard logos and a valid security code that are United States issued. Personal checks, money orders and cashier's checks can be mailed in to Access Corrections. Cash can be used at both walk-in providers, CashPayToday and Ace Cash Express. Debit cards can also be used at Dollar General within CashPayToday retail partners. (MUST register with CashPayToday first). Please note that Access Corrections does not accept Government issued cards (i.e. Child Support Cards, EBT Cards, etc.). When will my credit card be debited?
Usually within three banking days. This does not delay the Fee Payment. Can I send one money order to pay for two or more fees?
Yes, combining payments is acceptable. Payments are applied to outstanding balances in the following order: (i) Interstate Compact application fee; (ii) Pre-Sentence Investigation fee; and (iii) Cost of Supervision Fee. Each fee is paid in full in this order before the next fee is paid.
Can I pay by mail with cash? No. The only acceptable payment method for fees paid by mail is in the form of a money order, personal check, or cashier’s check made out to “Access Secure Deposits” in US funds.
What happens to my money order if I don’t enclose a payment coupon with it? Due to the volume of customers and different states that Access Corrections services, your payment cannot be accurately processed unless the envelope is correctly addressed, and a completed payment coupon is enclosed with each money order. If Access Corrections cannot determine who a payment belongs to, state Escheat laws require that the money be transferred to the state as unclaimed property.
Is there a fee to use the Access Secure Payments service?
Access Corrections charges a service fee, per transaction, based on the Fee Payment type. Fees are provided to the payee before completing each transaction. You will have the opportunity to view and approve the total amount you will be charged before Access Corrections charges your card. How do I know if my transaction went through?
The receipt number indicates that the payment has been processed. The payment will be “pending” on your card account until the funds are deposited to the inmate’s account. The payment will appear as “sent” once the money has been transferred to the fee agency. For phone and web transactions, an email confirmation will be sent. Printed kiosk receipts will also be provided. How do I find out my IDOC offender identification number? To look up a recipient number, go to www.idoc.idaho.gov/content/prisons/offender_search. Who do I contact to answer a question about my fees and charges? Contact your parole/probation officer at the district office. A list of the addresses and phone numbers for each of IDOC's district offices can be found at www.idoc.idaho.gov/content/locations/district_offices. Can I combine my payments?
Yes. Please use separate forms for each payment type. Please include one mail in slip with each money order. Can I combine a payment and a deposit?
No. Payments are made for individuals on community supervision who owe PSI, Interstate or COS. Deposits are made for incarcerated individuals only. Can I pay a fee on behalf of another person? Yes. Payment procedures will require that you know the required information and IDOC identification number for the recipient you would like to pay the fee for, in order to apply the fee to the proper account. To look up a recipient number, go to www.idoc.idaho.gov/content/prisons/offender_search.
Can I pay my fee in person or send a money order fee payment to an IDOC office or facility? Can I make a partial payment for fees and charges?
Yes. However, a transaction processing fee is charged for each payment transaction (except for payments that are mailed into Access Corrections), so you are encouraged to pay the entire fee at one time, using your preferred payment method. ![]() | ![]() |